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ETAs 2016

Emily, Isabel e Kelly, nossas ETAs (English Teaching Assistants) de 2106, são falantes nativas de inglês e estão aqui conosco por um ano letivo para auxiliar no aprendizado de inglês. Elas estão oferecendo Conversation Clubs e Office Hours para os alunos da comunidade interna da UFPR! Venham conhecê-las!

Office Hours

As Office Hours são as horas em que as ETAs atendem a comunidade da UFPR, gratuitamente, sobre questões relacionadas à língua inglesa. 

Para participar, envie um e-mail para informando o horário e assunto que você deseja abordar. Aguarde o e-mail de confirmação. 

Emily Elliot-Meisel

Emily Elliot-Meisel is originally from Omaha, Nebraska - land of corn, the best steaks in the country, and the nicest people in the country! Last year Emily was an ETA in São Luís, Maranhão at UFMA. Among other things, in São Luís, she learned forró, and samba - both dances she hopes to continue in Curitiba. Before coming to Brazil in 2015, Emily graduated from American University in Washington DC with a degree in International Relations and TESOL. Besides attempting to dance, Emily loves traveling, speaking Portuguese, watching movies, and trying not to get lost. She will be here in Curitiba until November 2016 and looks forward to getting to know UFPR and working with IsF!

Isabel Semler

Isabel Semler is from San Francisco, California and will be here in Curitiba for the full school year. Isabel graduated  from Pitzer College, in May of 2015 with a degree in Environmental Studies. At Pitzer, Isabel developed a passion for languages and theater which eventually brought her to Brazil! At UFPR, Isabel hopes to improve her Portuguese, make new friends, and help make English more accessible and fun by using theater! She will lead a workshop called Theater for Speaking English Confidently, in which students will play theater games, work with scripts, and most importantly craft their own monologues in English and eventually preform them in front of a live audience at the end of the semester. Isabel is SO excited to be here in Curitiba, she loves to explore the different neighborhoods and parks as well as dance to Brazilian music! 

Kelly Kreutz

Kelly Kreutz was born in Chicago Illinois and raised in a small rural town in Indiana.  Kelly attended Indiana University Bloomington where she majored in International Relations and Spanish, and minored in Portuguese and Latino Studies.  Kelly has previously spent a year abroad studying in Madrid, Spain.  Kelly is a cat lover, proud aunt, and super fan of the Indiana Hoosiers.  Here in Curitiba Kelly enjoys exploring the city’s parks, eating misto quentes, and avoiding the rain. Kelly is looking forward to traveling to different parts of Brazil and improving her Portuguese.  However, Kelly is most excited to improve her teaching skills by helping IsF and Letras at UFPR, as Kelly dreams of becoming a university professor in the United States one day. 

O Conversation Club é gratuito e está aberto para toda a comunidade da UFPR!

Para participar, basta comparecer nos campi e horários abaixo. Não é necessário fazer inscrição prévia. Ensalamento completo no link:

Conversation Club

Convo Club and Office Hours


Curta a página do Facebook das ETAs deste ano para ficar por dentro das novidades e, em caso de dúvidas, entre em contato com elas através do e-mail

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